Monday 17 June 2013

Why should I go for dental aligners?

If you belong to the age group of 14-65 years and are suffering from malocclusion of teeth then you have stumbled upon the right article. The Mal-positioning of teeth is a common problem. You can spot a person sporting braces easily in your social circle. If not, then a quick investigation is bound to reveal that at a certain point in their lives, a few of your acquaintances have undergone some sort of dental treatment. So, it is something that is not to be worried upon but certainly not to be ignored. However, for those suffering from crowding of teeth, the thought of visiting a dentist and getting fitted with braces is not a pleasant one. The reasons vary. They may be uncomfortable and also people prefer not to be seen with them. So what is the alternative? Dental aligners.

These are plastic trays which have become immensely popular for their advantages over braces. These are customised trays which are made of medical grade material. For example Clearpath uses FDA approved plastic, made by Raintree Essix, Inc. USA to make aligners. The CAD CAM aligners are manufactured employing an automated process. A highly advanced, precise mechanical method and digital technology is used to prepare invisible aligners to meet the unique demands of each patient.

These are made of transparent material making them invisible to others. The result is that only the person undergoing treatment knows about their presence. These are worn over teeth unlike the traditional braces which are fitted. It is this feature that makes them more appealing because they do not impose any restriction on the user. If you are using them, it is possible to lead a normal life that involves brushing, flossing and eating your favourite food. With braces, this is not possible for the possible damage it might cause. The treatment requires the patient to wear a series of aligners. Each has to be worn for two weeks and afterwards a new will be issued. These apply pressure on the teeth and slowly push them to their ideal positions. Due to this, a patient will feel a slight discomfort for the first 24 hours. However, this ebbs away gradually.

There are two methods of treatments – manual and automatic. Clearpath uses the automatic methodology because of the level of precision that can be achieved. It also cuts down the chair side time to just 10 minutes. Clear CAD CAM aligners can treat all varieties of problems that include extraction cases, crossbites, rotations, edge to edge, bi-maxillary protrusion etc.


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