Tuesday 26 March 2013

Dental aligners and their clear advantages

When opting for braces aligners, it is prudent to take the advice of an orthodontist. This is because not everyone qualifies to be fitted with invisible aligners. These clear plastic trays, which have become hugely popular among the masses due to their obvious advantages over the traditional methodologies, have come as a boon. The reason why these are appealing to many is because of their comfortness and non-interference. However, for cases that require major movements of teeth, these aren’t practical and consulting a specialist for the course of treatment is the best way forward. In many cases, patients will be advised to go with the traditional fixed appliances. This shouldn’t come as a dampener for one has options to choose from. There are invisible braces which are, as the name suggests, less noticeable than the metal ones. These provide the advantage of anonymity i.e. others can’t make out whether someone has been fixed with braces or not.

Bothe the dental equipments come with distinct merits. The view among the experts is that sometimes aligners take more time than braces to correct mild cases of malocclusions. But their major advantage is that they can be removed at any time. One of the major problems that people fitted with braces face is the hygiene and the ability to enjoy any food they want. With invisible aligners, the problem is solved due to their removability. While eating or cleaning teeth, one can easily take them out as they’re not fixed like braces but simply worn over. They are designed using 3d technology after taking impressions of the teeth and then constructing a model based on which the aligners will be manufactured. Also if someone is missing a tooth, these medical grade plastic trays can be fitted with an artificial one.

These apply gentle and steady force that eventually pushes the teeth to their ideal positions. One may experience pain and soreness during the initial days. Popping in few tablets will take care of it and with time it will fade away. One may also encounter a little difficulty while speaking but as one becomes accustomed to their (aligners) presence, it returns to normal.

ClearPath provides 3d CAD/CAM aligners which are affordable and manufactured employing latest technology. All over the world, the patients are increasingly using them to treat their misaligned teeth and for a beautiful smile. It is flexible, user-friendly and most importantly highly effective. For smile designing service please contact ClearPath.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Braces off, tooth positioner on!

It is obvious that when a person who has taken great pains to get something fixed is told that what he/she has endured has an equal chance of becoming redundant if one final finishing touch is avoided. It also becomes an irritant if told that it will cause some discomfort too. If you have recently been taken off from braces, then you can easily imagine this particular situation. Even after braces have been removed after a significant period of time, there are some gaps between the teeth that need to be filled. This is when the finishing touches are required. The positioners are worn following some strict instructions which sometime look too demanding. However, the important thing to be kept in mind is that these are critical to complete the orthodontic treatment otherwise the time and money invested in the entire process will go for a toss. So, even if it is for a brief duration, wearing them will only help in aligning the teeth properly.

These are customised in a laboratory after taking the impression of the mouth. Then after they've been designed, the patient has to wear them for about a week and 24 hours a day. This is bound to cause some discomfort like while speaking. However, to avoid any such scene, it is better to tell others in advance of the situation. Patients are asked to clench them while they're on and hold on to that position for as long as possible. The time period of clenching will increase over time as the muscle become strong. The silver lining is that these can be used as mouth guard while indulging in sports and other physical activities.

Taking care of tooth positioner is also very important. They are recommended to be stored in cool and dry places so that the heat cannot influence their shape. They should also be cleaned on a regular basis.

For designing a perfect smile, the process of orthodontic treatment is crucial. It not only takes care of the aesthetics but also the health as well – which should be of prime importance. Other treatments such as teeth whitening, filling gaps, bonding etc. only improve the visual appearance.

3d CAD/CAM aligners are fast becoming popular among the masses as a replacement to dental braces. They work on the same principle as braces but the reason of their appeal lies in two factors – invisibility and comfortless. These two basic advantages make them an attractive option and thus contribute to their popularity.

For smile designing service please contact ClearPath.

Monday 11 March 2013

Invisible braces and there clear advantages

When asked what your biggest weakness is, a majority of people reply laziness. This is a trait that is common in both humans and animals. This habit of procrastination in turn induces a false sense of belief that everything will eventually fall in place. But the truth is everyone runs out of luck. And when the question is about the health, it becomes all the more a serious concern. Many of us regard certain conditions as innocuous; for example dental problems. All we do is brush them and then forget about it. However, the truth is taking care of teeth requires more than just cleaning them twice a day (I bet most of those reading this do this only once). We ignore the conditions such as mild malocclusion i.e. teeth out of their place. These have a potential to cause some serious health issues if not tended to in a timely manner. Wearing a simple orthodontic appliance such as braces will help in fixing them.

Many consider braces clearly as something that is specific to a certain age group which is a false assumption. There is no specific age for getting them. However, as they say the early the better. Still, adults today are fast taking advantage of the modern dentistry to improve not just their oral hygiene but overall personality too. A healthy set of teeth results in bright smile that adds weight to a person's charisma. Now, the question of how can a self-conscious adult can think to bear the burden of seeing with clunky, metal braces? The answer is simple – options.

Concerning the reasons why one would rather feel happy with crowded teeth than get them fixed by wearing braces, several innovations have taken place over the years that have made the process of pushing teeth into their most ideal positions an invisible process. The clear braces are made of less visible materials that easily mix in with the colour of the teeth. Then there are braces that are invisible to others. In simple terms, these are fixed behind the teeth rather than the conventional frontal part so that they are out of sight. However, make no mistake regarding their effectiveness. They treat the misaligned teeth in the same manner as traditional metal braces do. Clearly, there distinction from the metal ones is their composition and placement.

However, if not at all interested in the idea of wearing braces then CAD/CAM aligners is the best option for you. These plastic trays are both transparent and comfortable. These have gained significant popularity all over the world because of their effectiveness and obvious advantages over the braces. They are flexible i.e. removable as per wish and also others cannot make out whether someone is wearing them or not.

For smile designing service please contact ClearPath.
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