Monday 19 November 2012

A perfect smile can take you places

Every human being in this world has a beautiful smile. The statement might sound philosophical but it is more of a fact. The reason we say that someone has a beautiful or a bright smile is because of the reason that their natural features such as jaw structure, teeth, gum are in harmony. Due to heredity or some accident, one or all of the features might get negatively affected leading to a crooked, stained or a gummy smile. However, thanks to the advancement in the field of dentistry, smile can be designed as per the desire of an individual. The most important part of any smile is the teeth. If these aren't properly aligned then no matter how perfect are the other facial features, the smile will get affected. Missing tooth, chipped tooth, gap between teeth, stained teeth etc. can be treated using the various techniques available that help in shaping a perfect and beautiful smile.

For the misaligned teeth, braces or aligners can be used depending upon the personal preferences. There are various options within braces for those who are concerned with the way they make one look when worn over teeth. To make them less noticeable, one can opt for clear braces which are manufactured using material that blends in with the colour of the teeth. However, these are worn over the entire duration of treatment and are to be removed only under the supervision of a dentist and when required. Due to this, certain rules and regulations are to be followed and certain changes in the lifestyle are inevitable so as to let these brackets function properly with maximum effect.

However, before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, restorative dentistry might be required so as to ensure that the gums are healthy. One may require one or all of the various procedures that involve porcelain veneers, crowns, dental implants, teeth whitening, bonding etc. might be required to get that glowing, charming smile.

Clearpath provides comfortable, easy to use and most importantly, affordable orthodontic appliances that take care of your teeth which is hassle free and leaves your lifestyle untouched. It is a system of CAD/CAM clear aligners that is flexible in design and is suitable to be used and treated by all age groups alike and can be customized as per individual need. The plastic we use in their manufacture is FDA approved and our aligners have smooth edges that prevent your gums and cheeks from unwanted irritation. The treatment also involves wearing tooth positioned that serve as a finishing product to prevent teeth from relapsing. This computerized & digital clinical system is used in hundreds of clinics in the KSA, India, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, Malaysia, Russia, Europe, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria and across the entire world. The popularity is growing at an incredible rate. All you have to do is wear a series of clear wafer thin transparent removable aligners, which gently guide your teeth from their present to the desired position to give you the perfect smile and also get rid of your dental problems.

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